As a result of Frank Viola’s groundbreaking book Insurgence: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom (Baker) and the supplemental Insurgence podcast as well as his latest book — 48 Laws of Spiritual Power (Tyndale) — spiritual leaders have asked Frank for connection with other leaders who are on the same journey.
If you aren’t familiar with Frank’s work, he’s the bestselling author of over 15 books published by Tyndale, Thomas Nelson, Baker, David C. Cook, et al.
His work has been endorsed by Ed Stetzer, Matt Chandler, Mark Batterson, Shane Claiborne, Leonard Sweet, Jack Hayford, Francis Frangipane, Michael Heiser, Lysa TerKeurst, Mary DeMuth, Greg Boyd, Craig Keener, Ed Young, Sheila Walsh, Jon Acuff, Brant Hansen, Pete Wilson, Alan Hirsch, Derwin Gray, Myles Monroe, Calvin Miller, and many others.
You can view all of his work along with many of these endorsements HERE.
Frank also has four decades of experience in planting churches, shepherding the Lord’s people, speaking in conferences, and dealing with all sorts of issues that are common in church life.
While The Deeper Christian Life Network is Frank’s mentoring program for all Christians who want to go deeper in the Lord (whether in ministry or not), The Insurgence Experience (IXP) is specifically designed for kingdom leaders.
The Insurgence Experience is a premium mastermind.
It’s NOT a cohort.
It’s NOT a conference or seminar.
It’s NOT a pastoral fraternal or leadership network.
It’s far beyond all of these.
Cohorts are typically focused on intellectual learning. They are time-consuming, often don’t have a clear goal, and few people (if any) have ever testified, “This cohort changed my life.”
By contrast …
The IXP is a true mastermind.
It offers a unique encounter with the Lord Jesus that’s remarkable and practical handles that will enable you to continue the experience for the rest of your life.
The Insurgence Experience Mastermind…
*Is NOT time-consuming.
*Its focus is spiritual.
*It creates lifelong friendships.
*It targets the specific struggles you’re having in ministry.
*It works toward a clear goal.
*It provides uncommon and enduring spiritual renewal.
*And it has altered the lives and ministries of those who have been through it (just read the testimonials below).
As a leader, you can only take people where you yourself have been spiritually. And that’s why most churches are so spiritually shallow today.
Who is it for?
*Lead pastors.
*Bible teachers.
*Church planters.
Beyond the above, if you resonate with ANY of the following, you’re a great candidate for The Insurgence Experience.
*You desire to have more impact and greater spiritual power in your ministry.
*You want to get trench-tested, deep insights into ministry and knowing the Lord that are NOT typically taught in seminary.
*You want to connect with other leaders who are “all in” on following the Lord. True hitters who are seeking to embody the explosive gospel of the kingdom (the Insurgence) in more effective ways.
*You want to know the Lord Jesus Christ in ways you have never imagined. You want to be astonished by Him more than you are now.
*You want to minister LIFE, not just information.
*Even when you’ve had a “successful” day of ministry and many people were helped, deep in your heart you sometimes think, “There has got to be more than this.”
*At times, you feel alone. You’d love to have more trusted peers with whom you can share your heart.
*Within your own spirit, you sometimes struggle with feeling accepted, approved, and appreciated. You also struggle with the temptation to be a people pleaser.
An In-Person Edition (IXP-I)
A Facebook Only Edition (IXP-F)
The Insurgence Experience In-Person Edition (IXP-I)
*Frank will meet with a small group of ministry leaders (less than 12) either in the Spring, Summer, or Fall. The in-person Mastermind will last 4 days. It will be held in Orlando, Florida.
*After everyone has registered, you will be added to a private (closed) Facebook group with the others in the group and decide on a date for the in-person gathering. (We’ve never had a problem with scheduling since there are so many options from which to choose.)
*All meals will be covered. The only thing you will pay for is your hotel room and travel expenses (e.g., airfare if you are flying).
*During the in-person Mastermind, you’ll be given a signed copy of Frank’s breakthrough book 48 Laws of Spiritual Power along with some other gifts.
*After the Mastermind meeting is over, you will receive 30 exclusive premium audio trainings by Frank that he created specifically for the IXP Mastermind.
*In the private Facebook group, Frank and the other leaders will help one another as issues arise in their ministries. It will also be a platform where you can discuss the audio trainings and ask Frank and the other leaders questions.
All the above will involve high-level mentoring from Frank on ministry and knowing Christ more deeply as well as connection and learning from the others in the Mastermind.
Here are testimonials from lead pastors and teachers who have been part of the IXP in-person edition:
“As someone who has attended, participated, and led in many leadership conferences, workshops, and strategy meetings, I can confidently say that The Insurgence Experience (IXP) stands out from the rest. My experience with IXP has been nothing short of a blessing beyond measure, and I wholeheartedly endorse it to all fellow pastors and leaders.”
~ Davie Hernandez, lead pastor
“In a world bombarded with conferences, workshops, cohorts and coaching experiences that focus primarily on methodology, trends, and skills, the Insurgence Experience Mastermind (IXP) is something completely different. The week I spent in a group of brothers with Frank Viola was an amazing experience that was irreplaceable and irreplicable. It is a one-of-a-kind group encounter with Jesus Christ. Don’t miss your opportunity for a life-changing experience!”
~ Daniel Park, lead pastor
“The IXP meeting was not a conference, it was not a spiritual retreat, it was not a soul-care meeting, it was not a ‘spiritual practices’ practicum, nor was it a spiritual direction experience. It was more than all those things. My experience was that the IXP not only refreshed me personally, spiritually, and vocationally, but it also gave me tools to take back to my regular life and ministry to keep what God started during the IXP gathering going.”
~ Jared Fields, senior pastor
“I can’t put words to describe these past few days, I have never experienced God in this way before. I literally feel ‘born again.’ The whole time I felt like a ‘child’ being baptized in His unexplainable love over and over again. From the dinner conversations, group exercises, learning more about open-participatory meetings, jokes, and just being around the men. I have found a lifelong ‘Band of Brothers’ and I love them all deeply.”
~ Lovell Fleming, teacher
“The richness of the felt presence of God that radiated from each of the men and how I was shown new facets of Christ I’d not seen before was so glorious! I’m still buzzing inside my soul. To be in the same room with Frank Viola and have him pour into us was the icing on the cake! I am preaching such a beautiful Christ now; my church is seeing Jesus for the first time all over again! I highly recommend the IXP Insurgence Experience!!! I’ll never be the same!”
~ Matthew Stevenson, lead pastor
“I am so grateful to Frank for showing me fresh and new ways to encounter Jesus. For speaking truth into my life and helping me see a better version of myself. For the fresh wind in my spirit and the friendships that we solidified! I’m thankful for the life we shared, for the fun and laughter and joy! Man, our time was so sweet, heaven come to earth truly.”
~ Jon Gibson, lead pastor
“The Insurgence Experience has been a jolt of electricity to my faith. The exercises have given me practical handles to go deeper in my walk with Christ. Nothing compares to the 4 days I got to spend with my brothers feasting on our Lord. Frank told us that if we would commit ourselves fully to this experience (especially the in-person gathering) we would never recover. I don’t think that was an exaggeration. ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good.’ What a glorious taste this past week of true koinonia with my dear brothers and our Lord. I’ll never be the same.”
~ Chris Magee, teacher
“I walked away from this time changed in my innermost man, with a greater revelation of the Love, Nourishment, and Purpose of God, having tasted, seen, and adored His Goodness firsthand. I highly recommend this experience to every minister of Jesus Christ who wishes to encounter and know Him more and more.”
~ Jonathan Cottrell, teacher
“The days we spent together were amazing! I experienced the presence of Jesus in such a tangible way through the exercises and each of you brothers! I had to keep pinching myself because it felt like a taste of heaven.”
~ Matt Mouzakis, teacher
“I met with Jesus. I met with Jesus in each of the brothers. I was deeply encouraged and healed by my time with them and with Jesus. I learned new ways to behold and receive from the Lord. I made lifelong friends. I found hope for the bride of Christ in America.”
~ Jason Lee, teacher
“This time together really replenished my empty reserves. Lately, I feel like I’ve been running on fumes. The gathering has given me fresh fuel from above to continue on in the Lord!”
~ Kevin Jourdan, teacher
“My wife told me I came home happy for the first time in a long time.”
~ Matt Edwards, teaching pastor
The Insurgence Experience Facebook Only Edition (IXP-F)
The IXP-F includes everything that the IXP-I includes except for the in-person meeting.
*You’ll be added to a private Facebook group where Frank and the other leaders will help one another as issues in ministry arise.
*You will receive 30 exclusive premium audio trainings by Frank that he created for the leaders who are part of the IXP Mastermind. Discussions on the content as well as Q&A will take place in the Facebook group as your time permits.
So either way, with the IXP-I or the IXP-F, you will receive high-level training on ministry and leadership in a group setting, and learn from all the other leaders in the Mastermind.
Testimonials from Other Leaders
“The Insurgence Experience will not only give you an epic, earth-shaking, life-altering view of our Lord but you’ll get to learn ‘how’ that vision of Him can become real in your life. Better yet, how to experience that with other brothers. Without the experience I’ve described, frankly, we’ve got no business to minister to others. You simply must jump into the IXP! For me and the others who participated, the experience was priceless!”
“The Insurgence Experience was such an amazing experience. Going in I didn’t know what to expect, but if I did have any expectations they were blown away. The relationships that were built, and the revolutionary teaching that was imparted impacted my ministry and spiritual well-being dramatically. Frank was such a down-to-earth and humble guide as he led us to the Jesus that captivates his own heart. I’m grateful for the support, accountability, and challenge that has come from all the time spent with Frank and the other brothers of the experience.”
“I was really struggling emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. I had become ‘dried up’ and exhausted in my desire to preach and in other areas of my life. My reserves were exhausted. The IXP breathed new life into my soul. The Lord definitely ‘showed up’ and ‘showed out.’ Frank Viola, thank you for providing this opportunity for us. I am truly grateful to you and all of my brothers!”
“The IXP was a drink of fresh water in the midst of a desert. I found that the teaching was well worth the admission, but the atmosphere that was fostered was what was most valuable. Frank managed to get a group of guys who had a lot of differences and somehow showed them glimpses of the kingdom that is to come through their fellowship. It was an experience of Christ’s kingdom in our midst through the tension of the Spirit.”
“To connect with pastors and leaders from different traditions and backgrounds was so rich. I have made lifelong bonds with brothers that will walk this journey with me for the rest of my time on this earth! To be able to get sage advice from other high-level leaders and be in a safe space was so refreshing to me. The transparency and openness that Frank cultivates leads each person to feel safe to share and helped us grow into a family.”
“In The Insurgence Experience, I truly gained so much. Is it the lifelong friends and battle brothers I made? Is it the increased clarity I received about Jesus, his kingdom and eternal purpose from the variety of teachings, conversations and encounters? Ultimately, it’s all of these things and more. I highly recommend the IXP.”
On the fence and not sure if it’s a good fit?
We encourage you to listen to these audios:
1. Frank’s conference message – A Clash Between Kingdoms.
Click here to listen in Apple Podcasts
Click here to listen in Podbean
Click here to listen in YouTube
2. Another conference message – The Eternal Purpose.
Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts
Click here to listen in Podbean
Click here to listen in YouTube
3. Frank is interviewed by one of the pastors who participated in the IXP Mastermind. A must listen – A Remedy for Today’s Shallow Preaching.
Click here to listen in Apple Podcasts
Click here to listen in Podbean
Click here to listen in YouTube
BONUS AUDIO: An in-depth interview where an Asbury Theological Seminary professor and dean asked Frank many questions about his vision, experience, and ministry – Kingdom Ministry: Past, Present, Future.
Click here to listen in Apple Podcasts
Click here to listen in Podbean
Click here to listen in YouTube
If any of these talks strike fire in your heart, you are a good candidate for The Insurgence Experience (IXP).
So you want to apply below as soon as possible.
In order to be invited to register to the next IXP Mastermind, you must apply below.
Details will be sent to you by email, including the cost.
So be sure to type your email address in correctly.
Apply now and don’t delay. It will only take a few minutes.
Also, always check your spam/junk/promotion folders (where valuable emails often land).
If you don’t see the application form below, FILL IT OUT HERE.